January was a great month and I spent it thinking about what I wanted to build more of into this year AND what I wanted to do less of. What my long term goals were.

February sped past but I spent it slowing down. Enjoying simplicity and simple things. I was reading more. Moving more, more walking, swimming. Getting more sleep. Attending to old jobs that needed doing. Culling paperwork. Jewelry. Clothes. Shoes. Bags & Books. Preparing for work moves, job changes and training.

March was a whirlwind work wise. At home I had wanted to finish curating my bookshelves and to repot the plants that month. The bookshelves got done. I decided to prioritise sleep and rest though rather than fitting more into my day and definitely did better in that regard. As a result the plants got pushed back into April.

That brings us into April and the first quarter of the year is done. How quickly did that go! I’m checking in with myself on my goals for this year and wondering how you all are doing with yours? Quarterly seems like a good time to check that progress. For me I’ve made progress in some areas. Next to none in others and so I’m going to hold myself accountable to others to help with that. Stating my goals and checking in with the actions I’m taking to reach them. I’m also going back to what I know works. Home manuals, routines, habit trackers. It’s been a minute since I’ve had them in play and it’s time to blow off the dust and get them back out.

As I explore my own new world and mindset and create more of that in my home, work, life and relationships. I’m truly enjoying the journey and the changes I’m making and invite you to put your own goals and how you’re doing in the comments below. Lets journey and adventure together. It’ll be fun and we can keep each other company while we encourage each other to focus and achieve those changes.

Much love