Stand outs this week.

This week I got to tick off one of my life goals. Seeing “Phantom of the Opera” Phantom for me has always been one of those things where after missing it initially years ago…time, opportunity, money etc have never all come together at the same time again. Onto the list it went with the hope, also on the list that maybe, just possibly I might get to see it in the West End. This week I got to do just that and no words can describe how excited and blessed I felt. It was magnificent.



Exploring: St James Park and Palace. The West End. Piccadilly. Trafalgar Square. The National Portrait Gallery.


Listening to:


You learn something new every day:  Apparently, 1 serve of freshly frozen peas contain as much Vitamin C as 2 large apples. Well there you go.. who knew.


Missing:  Books. Travelling around, changing residences or countries regularly it is completely impractical to carry around real, honest to god, turn the pages books. I have a Kindle but as most of you would agree I think, it’s just not the same. Also libraries. At home, I am a regular at our local library have spent many happy hours there perusing, choosing and borrowing books. This week I walked up to Harrods just to get a book fix. Flicking through all the beauties that caught my eye. Thank you Harrods.


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Loving:  I loved Harrods, the next day though I found Hatchards. The oldest bookstore in the UK and booksellers to the King and onwards. Opened in 1797 it is four floors of complete love. Photos of Royalty, Hatchards back in the day, old receipts. The threadbare carpet which is absolutely perfect, hand written notes on the attributes of a book attached to the shelves. Floor to ceiling bookshelves for days. I found Fortnum and Mason just after this and considered that the perfect holiday may just include lodging at Fortnum and spending your days in Hatchards with occasional sight seeing trips elsewhere. Hatchards.. or booksellers, in general, are like the real life version of the “Magic Faraway Tree”. Walk in and see or better yet choose which incredible lands you find there.


E x