The whole reason we organise usually is to keep things neat & tidy. We all like and want to be proud of the homes we keep. To know where to find a thing, car keys, bills that need paying, phone, wallet, bag, school forms, our smaller children … when we need to put our hands on it and without having to tear the house apart for the next half hour looking through and under every conceivable pile of stuff . Every drawer, every cupboard. We want to be able to invite people over at short notice and not have that panicked feeling if friends or family turn up unexpectedly. We all want a peaceful home, calm, magazine glossy ready.


Here’s the not so secret tip every Home Organiser will tell you about how to achieve that. The secret to keeping an Organised and Tidy home, to reclaiming both your home and time is to eliminate everything that is not loved, used or necessary first … then you organise what’s left. This goes for your lifestyle too, your calendar and committments. Not just your home.  If you continue to just keep organising everything you own or do, you’ll be organising for the rest of your life. Although that system is not completely faulty, it fails to work for most people long term and is time consuming and I know you’ve got better things to do with your time than organising continually.


Society today encourages excess in everything. Excess buying, spending,& consumption in every area of life. Eating, work & overtime, products of all shapes and descriptions, social media, alcohol and drugs, electronics, the list goes on.  Although we often espouse the concept of quality over quantity the reality of the message we receive most often is more, more, more. More is more. Quantity over quality.


You need only go back a few decades or more to see this evidenced perfectly. Larger families but smaller homes. Less debt per person. 1 TV per household not one in just about every room. 1 fridge. 1 freezer. 1 family room. Less appliances, clothes Less obesity, more home cooking etc etc I’m not suggesting we go back in time but am simply highlighting in an easy to see format the world of excess we live in by comparison, how normal that is in our modern society and how easy it is to fall into that. To remove yourself from that insanity and actually choosing to have much less is still a little ground breaking. Still considered a little in the realm of crunchy granola eating hippy minilimism territory. I’m ok with that so I’m happy to be your guide on that journey. All jokes aside. Less stuff usually equates to more time for yourself and family or friends, less housework, less debt, less arguements and the list goes on.


Eliminate the unnecessary and unloved first then organise and in the process we’ll reclaim both our homes and our time. We have waaay better things to be doing with our time even if that is just daydreaming the future we want over a pot of tea.


If you guys have experience of how eliminating has worked for you I’d love for you to share that with the community.


Much Love